LeanIn.Org Brings #IamRemarkable (By Google) To Their Circles Globally ─ Google

After attending an #IamRemarkable workshop, the LeanIn.Org team was inspired to bring #IamRemarkable to it's yearly conference in San Francisco, August 2019. After #IamRemarkable's presence at the conference, LeanIn leaders became trained facilitators and are now running workshops independently to their circles globally.

#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative which aims to empower women and underrepresented minorities to speak openly about their accomplishments and improve their self promotion skills.

Sign up for free to become a facilitator and deliver the workshop in your company and community at g.co/IamRemarkable

LeanIn Org was set up by Sheryl Sandberg and aims to help women achieve their ambitions and work to create an equal world.

Founder of #IamRemarkable: Anna Vainer
Founder of LeanIn Org: Sheryl Sandberg

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