SKYNET Anti-Drone Shells - Do they live up to the hype? ─ TAOFLEDERMAUS

Intel FINALLY Reacts to Ryzen Threat - WAN Show April 14, 2017 ─ LinusTechTips

Burning Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus vs iPhone 7 Plus - Which Is Stronger? ─ TechRax

WE'RE LIVE! Tune into the WAN Show at the link in the description ─ LinusTechTips

Color Print Coasters - Science Experiments ─ CrazyRussianHacker

DON'T Say This To Amazon Alexa (EXTREMELY TERRIFYING) ─ TechSmartt

5 Sugru Life Hacks to Help You get Organized! ─ kipkay

What's in a Whopper? - This is Only a Test 395 - 4/13/17 ─ Tested

It's Tentacle Time! -- Mind Blow #112 ─ Vsauce2

The No-Cut Glove - Does It Even Work? ─ Unbox Therapy

Creature Sculpting and Concept Design at Monsterpalooza ─ Tested

Creme Egg Grenades ─ Grant Thompson - "The King of Random"

CreatureGeek Episode 64 - American Horror Story's Eryn Krueger Mekash ─ Tested