Samsung 360 Round: A professional camera for creating and livestreaming 4K 3D content. (Cutdown) ─ Samsung

On IGTV and YouTube Competition! ─ Marques Brownlee

Testing Norwegian Arctic Field Ration (Meal Ready to Eat) ─ Taras Kul

The Deadly Tesla Logo (license me, LADbible!) ─ JoergSprave

The Next iPhone Will Be HUGE! ─ Unbox Therapy

PlantVillage: AI Helping Farmers Detect Plant Diseases ─ Google

Two Vortex Rings Colliding in SLOW MOTION - Smarter Every Day 195 ─ SmarterEveryDay

Samsung Twin Cooling Plus™ : Chill mode ─ Samsung

How to Make a Laser-Cut Prop Stand! ─ Tested

Chinese Phone with HIDDEN CAMERAS ─ Linus Tech Tips

The Coolest Phone I've Ever Tried... ─ Austin Evans