Weta Workshop Sculptor's Tabletop Miniature World! ─ Tested

Adam Savage checks in on the status of sculptor Johnny Fraser-Allen's tabletop model, which has grown from the intricate Labyrinth we saw two years ago to a sprawling world steeped in fantasy architecture and landscapes that come alive. We're awestruck by the design and details of these models, which Johnny has brilliantly made to be modular and customizable. We can't wait to play in Hagglethorn Hollow!

Shot by Steve Unwin

A note from Johnny about the status of this model and kit:

Since the filming of this video the product has gone through significant development and after consideration to the market for this product, we have decided to release the range as physical products instead of 3D files. Get TTG updates on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tabletoptroub...

Hagglethorn Hollow is coming to Kickstarter on September 26th 2018

Watch Adam's first look at the labyrinth model here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhGIk...

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Tested is:
Adam Savage http://www.twitter.com/donttrythis
Norman Chan http://www.twitter.com/nchan
Simone Giertz http://www.twitter.com/simonegiertz
Joey Fameli http://www.joeyfameli.com
Gunther Kirsch https://guntherkirsch.com
Ryan Kiser https://www.instagram.com/ryan.kiser
Kishore Hari http://www.twitter.com/sciencequiche
Sean Charlesworth http://www.twitter.com/cworthdynamics
Jeremy Williams http://www.twitter.com/jerware
Kayte Sabicer https://twitter.com/kaytesabicer
Bill Doran https://twitter.com/chinbeard
Ariel Waldman http://www.twitter.com/arielwaldman
Darrell Maloney http://www.twitter.com/thebrokennerd83
Kristen Lomasney https://twitter.com/krystynlo

Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman
Set design by Danica Johnson http://www.twitter.com/saysdanica
Set build by Asa Hillis http://www.asahillis.com

Thanks for watching!

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