While Gregg and his family were on vacation in Greece, he learned what happened if you accidentally find yourself in Turkey without any identification, money, phone, shoes or clothing. In retrospect, it was a bad idea to go snorkeling at the time they did in those particular waters. Really, you'd think if you were rescued in those waters, they'd just take you the few miles back to where you started from. But the situation was a lot more complex than that- chock full of diplomatic red tape, and took 4 days to resolve.
This video is not what we normally post, but I thought it would be an interesting story to tell. While it is easy to dislike a country for its politics, it's foolish to hate the people. It was the kindness of the people of Turkey that this story is about.
This event happened just a few weeks ago. Since then, relations with Turkey have been stressed and it is possible Gregg and his daughter would still be in Turkey had it happened just a couple weeks later.
Gregg's accidental entry into TURKEY and "detainment". True story! ─ TAOFLEDERMAUS
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