What's inside a MAMMOTH TOOTH? ─ What's Inside?

We CUT OPEN a 5 Million year old Tooth! This video is sponsored by Invisalign clear aligners. I received complimentary treatment, but all express opinions are my own. Watch my in depth thoughts after 3 weeks of treatment: https://youtu.be/pUqu3Nv_Ffc

We're GIVING AWAY half of the Mammoth Tooth! Enter here: https://gleam.io/VQoHE/mammoth-tooth

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Filmed in 4k on this camera: http://amzn.to/1UnXI82

WARNING: Cutting open items can be dangerous. We do not recommend you try what we do! Only do things the we do in our videos IF you are assisted by a qualified adult under proper safety measures. Always think ahead, and remember that any project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK. Remember our motto: "We cut things open so you don't have to." so we do not recommend you try anything we do.

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