The World's Most Silent Crossbow? TWD Special! ─ JoergSprave

Download The Walking Dead: No Man's Land for free now and get Negan for free! This special offer is only available until 10/30/17. Click here: ► Sponsored by Next Games.

These are the steps new players need to take to unlock the Negan offer:

1.Complete chapter one (whole chapter)

2.You will get a reward screen (Press “accept”)

3. Pop-up appear, for unlocking Negan (Press “unlock”)

4.(Negan-tokens will be automatically added to your inventory)

5.This will direct you to the Hero-screen, where you need to unlock Negan (Press purple “unlock” button under Negan)

Crossbows are very silent weapons. They are in fact much less noisy than silenced firearms, except maybe silenced .22 rifles.

But when the dead come back from hell, they may just not be silent enough. So when we were challenged to build the world's most silent crossbow, we decided to put it into a cushioned sarcophagus! The outcome is quite cool - the crossbow is indeed very very silent.
The silencing did not affect the power and accuracy of the weapon, as we clearly demonstrate in this video.

A "The Slingshot Channel" production!

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