I'm Testing Out 5 Funded Kickstarter Products…what could possibly go wrong?
5 Weird FIVE BELOW Gadgets! ➡ https://youtu.be/NUBL5NM02rg?list=PLP...
Thanks to LastPass for partnering w/ me…try it for FREE: http://bit.ly/2xzaFae
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Fuze Chicken iPhone cable - http://amzn.to/2gc7dP6
NextBit Robin - http://amzn.to/2gc7OQQ
Mighty Spotify Player - http://bit.ly/2wG2Gf9
Flexbot 3D Drone - http://amzn.to/2wbQX4D
Wearhaus Headphones - http://amzn.to/2wwo8Ti
Welcome to Testing Out where I try out cool crowdfunded Kickstarter and Indiegogo gadgets that you can buy right now on Amazon. In the first episode I check out pretty weird 5 Kickstarter gadgets and innovations!
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Hey what’s up guys, Keaton here! I post videos Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat at 3PM PST. On here you’ll get LOTS of fun videos on the new iPhone 8, DON’T DO THIS to gadgets, weird shopping, tech hacks, and so much more! Subscribe so you don’t miss it!
Testing 5 KICKSTARTER Products! ─ TechSmartt
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