The Vape Hoodie...Bad Idea? ─ TechSmartt

First the iPhone 7 Vape case….now a hoodie/sweatshirt that vapes? I LOVE 2016!
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I’ve checked out so many Vape products this year from the Vape iPhone 6 case to a Vape Android phone…legit this has been a crazy year. My mom doesn’t like me vaping so she took all that away and somehow the Vape Hoodie showed up and I’ve been blowing mad clouds and been doing insane vape tricks! If anyone reads this and can tweet Faze Rain/Vape Lord Nord…I’d love you forever haha

Watch more Weird Tech videos!
Stun Gun iPhone Case - Do I Get Shocked? -
Do NOT Vape from a iPhone -

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Hey I’m Keaton from TechSmartt and I make videos on the coolest tech ever! I post videos at 3PM PST every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday….and sometimes BONUS VIDEOS!! On here you’ll get LOTS of fun videos on the new iPhone 7, weird keyboards, weird tech and so much more! I also do CRAZY challenges that you guys tell me to do! Subscribe so you don’t miss it! :)

comment ‘vape naysh bruh’ if u see this :)

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