21,600 FPS for $2500 - Chronos High Speed Camera - Sneak Peek! ─ TAOFLEDERMAUS

Please share this video to folks who might be interested in this amazing camera. This is the camera that may very well put a lot of high speed camera companies out of business. At only $2500, this camera offers amazing speed and resolution and in many ways, equals or betters cameras costing $30,000 and is cheaper to BUY than it costs to RENT a high speed camera for just one DAY.
This is a BIG deal!

To find out more about who made this camera and see what makes it tick, check out David's video. He designed and built this camera from scratch in his home. (he covers other details)

I will post additional information as soon as it is available.
In a few weeks David will be running a GoFundMe campaign so he can begin full production of the camera.

Several Youtube channels have been selected to begin sharing this camera with the world and I was lucky to be one of them.

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