See 3D Without Glasses On Your Phone! ─ Unbox Therapy

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Alienline 3D Smartphone -

This smartphone is the first I've seen that features a 3D display without the glasses. 3D functionality is limited to certain apps but given the right video file the effect can be pretty amazing. That said, there are some drawback... When using the phone without 3D function the display isn't the brightest and viewing angles are poor. This is likely do to the integrated technology necessary for the 3D experience.

From the manufacturer -

More than a decade of combined research and technical development by American, Australian and Asian scientists, engineers and technicians has come together under the name of Alienline. As a result of their brilliant work a revolutionary naked-eye 3D screen has been created. Yes, naked-eye! …which means there’s no additional components needed to experience 3D visual impressions. No special 3D glasses, no virtual sets, just simply watch and enjoy. And it’s because this real 3D display does all the work by itself including delivering color-segmented frames separately to your left and right eyes.

The special geometry surface of an added extra polymer layer decodes the polar- and color segmentation so that each eye sees only what was designed for it to see, creating a perception of depth. The Right Eye image is specially segmented, matching the prism’s Right side of the polymer surface. This lets only the Right image to be visible. The Left Eye image is segmented differently, matching the prism’s Left side of the polymer surface. This lets only the Left image to be visible. The display switches between the Left and Right eye images at up to 100 frames per second (that's really) alternately segmenting each frame.

The human brain synthesizes the two images into a single image, creating the perception of depth. We designed a polymer layer with a specially engineered surface. Applying this extra layer on the parallax barrier line the whole screen itself becomes a Real 3 Dimensional Ultra High Quality Display. Thus 3D glasses are not needed anymore. Alienline 3D Smartphones and Tablet Phones are designed to allow you to comfortably watch a movie while reducing ghosting and image blur, which are side effect previously experienced with any kind of 3D glasses. And as an extra feature you can also enjoy our newly developed 3D operating platform specially designed for Android users.

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