Bulletproof Glass - Separating MYTH from REALITY ─ TAOFLEDERMAUS

There are several cool surprises this time.
We have LEARNED a lot about ballistic glazing, or "bulletproof glass" if you prefer the colloquial term. We have found that viewers have certain perceptions about this stuff. Some people have said the glass has to have a frame, others believe a .308 rifle round can be stopped by UL level III glass. (UL level 8 glass can stop it) The most-common misconception pertains to what people call "compromise" and that even a slight crack will render the glass completely ineffective, so we have to use a virgin piece of glass for each shot. But seeing is believing!

What we have actually found is the glass is capable of stopping stuff that it really was never rated for, even with cracks in the glass.

See the other tests:
Part one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X_p5...
Part two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTvIW...

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