I was planning on just making a silly 'check this out' video, but people on my facebook page got me thinking! Its still a silly video, but now contains a pinch of science.. kinda ;)
looks dangerous, but its not. Nothing in the vicinity is particularly flammable, and i have tall ceilings. The high voltage transformer is more dangerous!
I don't think the color has anything to do with what goes off first like some people thought, they all blow up too quickly for that to come into play.

Ring of Fire - Most dangerous game ever! ─ TheBackyardScientist
WE'RE LIVE! Tune into the WAN Show at the link in the description ─ LinusTechTips

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Science Experiments - http://bit.ly/1Rnyw2m
Life Hacks - http://bit.ly/22HUYIM
Survival Ideas - http://bit.ly/1Z2nnEV
DIY Coca Cola Flavored Ice Cream ─ CrazyRussianHacker

100 Layers of iPhone 7 EarPods! https://youtu.be/_DW7n-EY6Ms?list=PLq...
Braintree - Get $50K of fee-free transactions: http://www.braintreepayments.com/tech...
More of the best tech under $50! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZgT4...
Native Union Dock - http://amzn.to/2cD8dcM
My favorite iPhone lightning cable - http://amzn.to/2dL9YVr
HooToo TripMate Titan - http://amzn.to/2cD8axB
Manfrotto Pixi Smart - http://amzn.to/2dsxnf9
Anker Wireless Wireless Vertical Mouse - http://amzn.to/2dbb3TM
Nomad Apple Watch Stand - http://amzn.to/2dEsdvy
My Favorite Tech & Gadgets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pj_H...
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Dream Desk 3 - https://youtu.be/KKlO3Bof7uw
My Gear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIc0u...
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tldtoday
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The Best Tech Under $50 - September 2016 ─ Jonathan Morrison

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Elizabeth Rage takes you through the steps to create the Robin look from Teen Titans!
Pattern download pending, please check back later.
Whether you’re brand new to Cosplay or an old pro, DIY Cosplay Shop will tell you all you need to know to turn yourself into your favorite character. We’ll break down the whole process step by step with simple tools and techniques anyone can use at home without breaking the bank.
Hosted by Elizabeth Rage - https://www.instagram.com/elizabethrage/
Robin - Leo Camacho - https://www.instagram.com/mrleozombie/
Hendo Art - https://www.instagram.com/hendoart/
DP: Marissa Deal
Producer: Michael Rainey
Created by Michael Rainey https://twitter.com/raineymichaelv
If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you do so at your own risk and you assume the responsibility for the results. You hereby release Defy Media, its affiliates subsidiaries, and any person included in this programming expressly or implicitly from any and all actions, claims, or demands that you, your heirs, distributees, guardians, next of kin, spouse or legal representatives now have, or may have in the future, for injury, death, property damage, or any other liability that may result related to the information provided in this video.
Robin - Teen Titans - DIY COSPLAY SHOP ─ AWE me

VideoBlocks - 7-day free trial - http://bit.ly/2cH2C0a
Use discount code ubtnrg20 for 20% off site wide until October 5 - http://bit.ly/2dcWCz7
Use discount code UNBOX for 20% off site wide for 72 - hours http://bit.ly/2dcXhAW
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Mystery Deal Box - Jack Edition ─ Unbox Therapy

For the first Tested team camping trip, Sean dreams up the idea of converting the Honda Ridgeline into a mobile treehouse. With some design help from Adam, Sean builds a versatile campout toolbox and makes modifications to the truck to support an elevated rooftop tent. Plus, Sean couldn't help but add some high-tech creature comforts! #HondaRidgeline #featuresnotstandard #sponsored
Features Not Standard: Turning a Truck into a Treehouse! ─ Tested

If you're a streamer, or if you're familiar with webcams in general, you HAVE heard of the Logitech C920. And now, they finally have a next generation model...
Freshbooks link: For your unrestricted 30 day free trial, just go to https://www.freshbooks.com/techtips and enter “Linus Tech Tips” in the "how did you hear about us" section.
Be quiet! Dark Base Pro 900 link: http://bit.ly/2c1oNB4
Buy Logitech C922 on Amazon: http://geni.us/Hcqs
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Intro Screen Music Credit:
Title: Laszlo - Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxm...
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sup...
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic
Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High http://www.youtube.com/approachingnir...
Sound effects provided by http://www.freesfx.co.uk/sfx/
Logitech C922 Webcam EXCLUSIVE First Look! ─ LinusTechTips

This thing removes phone fingerprints even the Jet Black iPhone 7 Plus! http://braintreepayments.com/keaton
Watch: Get This Illegal App RIGHT NOW - https://youtu.be/jvq9AaOf1sI?list=PLP...
►►Get Subscribed ►► http://bit.ly/1XW29LB
The new Jet Black iPhone 7 Plus gets scratched and shows fingerprints really easily. This is a weird Japanese product that is like a moveable vacuum. It’s like a Roomba or Dyson vacuum. Does it work on the new Apple iPhone 7? LETS FIND OUT!
Watch more Weird Tech videos!
Why Did Pepsi Make a Phone? - https://youtu.be/K5wyboCZ0vg?list=PLP...
Smart Deodorant? I Can’t Believe It… - https://youtu.be/Rn2eoJ27rPw?list=PLP...
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Hey I’m Keaton from TechSmartt and I make videos on the coolest tech ever! I post videos at 3PM PST every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday….and sometimes BONUS VIDEOS!!
On here you’ll get LOTS of fun videos on the new iPhone 7, weird keyboards, weird tech and so much more! I also do CRAZY challenges that you guys tell me to do! Subscribe so you don’t miss it! :)
comment ‘bananas’ if u see this ;)
This Thing Removes Phone Fingerprints ─ TechSmartt

iPhone Plus Battery Case (USA Link) - http://amzn.to/2duqom4
iPhone Plus Battery Case (International) - http://geni.us/wvZQ
I found an iPhone 6S Plus battery case that happens to work on the new iPhone 7 Plus. Because of the large cutout on the back, the new camera layout of the 7 Plus is unobstructed. Keep in mind this is completely unofficial, I simply bought the case after looking at pictures in hopes that it might work!
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Don't Wait For An iPhone 7 Plus Battery Case ─ Unbox Therapy

Turns out you have TWO brains!
Get a FREE Audible Trial: http://audible.com/asap
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Written by Annik Carson, Gregory Brown, Rachel Salt and Mitchell Moffit
GET THE ASAPSCIENCE BOOK: http://asapscience.com/book/
Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit
Clickable: http://bit.ly/16F1jeC and http://bit.ly/15J7ube
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Vine: Search "AsapSCIENCE" on vine!
SNAPCHAT US 'whalewatchmeplz' and 'pixelmitch'
Created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).
Send us stuff!
P.O. Box 93, Toronto P
Toronto, ON, M5S2S6
Further reading --
You Have A Second Brain ─ AsapSCIENCE

Main channel CrazyRussianHacker - http://www.youtube.com/user/CrazyRuss...
follow me on:
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African Horned Melon Challenge ─ Taras Kul

We get up close with Volume, a true volumetric display that can be used for creating 3D content, viewing depth-enhanced videos, and playing holographic games. Its inventors stop by our office to explain how the display works and how they hope volumetric imaging can change how we interact with computer graphics and imagery.
Find out more about Volume at http://lookingglassfactory.com/
Shot by Adam Isaak and edited by Norman Chan
Music by Jinglepunks
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Tested is:
Adam Savage http://www.twitter.com/donttrythis
Norman Chan http://www.twitter.com/nchan
Simone Giertz http://www.twitter.com/simonegiertz
Joey Fameli http://www.twitter.com/joeyfameli
Adam Isaak http://www.instagram.com/adamisaak
Kishore Hari http://www.twitter.com/sciencequiche
Frank Ippolito http://www.twitter.com/frankippolito
Sean Charlesworth http://www.twitter.com/cworthdynamics
Jeremy Williams http://www.twitter.com/jerware
Patrick Norton http://www.twitter.com/patricknorton
Thanks for watching!
Hands-On with a Volumetric 3D Display! ─ Tested

Thanks to Google Making and Science for supporting this series, and to Sean Carroll for collaborating on it! His book can be found here: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/...
Playlist of the full video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporte...
AMAZING Interactive Entropy explainer by Aatish Bhatia: http://aatishb.github.io/entropy/
This video is about why entropy gives rise to the arrow of time, and also how the initial low-entropy condition of the universe is responsible for the fact that we experience time right now, and how ultimately it will lead to the high-entropy heat death of the universe.
David Wallace on entropy of gravitating systems:
Sean Carroll: The Big Picture
(more great articles about entropy, etc on his blog http://preposterousuniverse.com)
Julian Barbour et al on entropic time simulation: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/a...
Music by Nathaniel Schroeder, http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder
MinutePhysics is on Google+ - http://bit.ly/qzEwc6
And facebook - http://facebook.com/minutephysics
And twitter - @minutephysics
Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!
Created by Henry Reich
Why Doesn't Time Flow Backwards? ─ minutephysics

Skepticism and optimism collide this week as Norm, Jeremy, and Kishore chat about new quadcopters, holographic displays, Elon Musk's Mars plan, and the use of technology in the Presidential debate. Plus, our hopes and fears for PSVR's launch and the upcoming Oculus Connect event.
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Thanks for watching!
The Restaurant on Musk 1 - This is Only a Test 369 - 9/29/2016 ─ Tested

Are you looking for a place where you can hang with friends, eat, drink, play and buy board games, and just all around be a nerdy person? Mox may be the place for you!
TunnelBear message: TunnelBear is the easy-to-use VPN app for mobile and desktop. Visit http://tunnelbear.com/LTT to try it free and save 10% when you sign up for unlimited TunnelBear data.
Massdrop link: http://dro.ps/ltt-godspeed
Check out Mox Boarding House: http://bit.ly/2c9mfhe
Support local gaming shops. But if you don't have one near you, you can buy some board games on Amazon using this link: http://geni.us/GMvStD
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Intro Screen Music Credit:
Title: Laszlo - Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxm...
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sup...
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic
Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High http://www.youtube.com/approachingnir...
Sound effects provided by http://www.freesfx.co.uk/sfx/
Best Nerd Hangout in the Pacific Northwest? ─ LinusTechTips

I accidentally created some stabilized wax slugs. Rather than tumbling, these flew nose-forward. However, the effect has no practical benefits.
What's weird about these is how the slugs are balanced and use drag stabilization with the drag located very close to the center of gravity of the slug. The center of gravity must still be ahead of the drag otherwise these would not work. Just some more weird stuff I discovered on some of the footage you normally wouldn't see.
Stabilized Wax Slugs - ALMOST Impossible Physics ─ TAOFLEDERMAUS

I dropped the new jet black iPhone 7 Plus from the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. A 2,717 ft. drop test.
Dropping the iPhone 7 Plus From The World's Tallest Building (829 meters) ─ TechRax

P.O. Box 49
Waynesville, NC 28786
Yesterday video:
8 Smartphone Gadgets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siigv...
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Science Experiments - http://bit.ly/1Rnyw2m
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Survival Ideas - http://bit.ly/1Z2nnEV
5 Neodymium Magnets Life Hacks ─ CrazyRussianHacker

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) --- Today's Mystery Video - https://youtu.be/MjETHULN2U0?list=PL7...
Nix Color Sensor (USA Link) - http://amzn.to/2dtRrNW
Nix Color Sensor (International) - http://geni.us/OjnA
This is the Nix color sensor. It samples the color from everyday objects. Simply download the app hold the sensor close to any object and boom! Your'e hit with a digital representation of that color.
From the manufacturer -
Nix Pro Color Sensor Scan, Save, Share, and Compare Color with the Nix Pro Color Sensor! Simply scan any surface, save it to your smartphone or tablet, and match it to our app library. Features - Super easy to use. You'll be up and running in minutes. - Incredibly accurate. The Nix Pro blocks out all ambient light for a precise match every time. - Raw color values. Export your color data to .csv file - Wireless.Via Bluetooth Smart (4.0) - Supported. Backed by the best team in the industry. We eat, sleep, and breathe color. Use any color system The Nix app can convert between any digital or physical color system. Want to know what color a flower is in HTML or CMYK? Or what color your walls are in brand name paint? The Nix Pro can do it. Match to more than 10,000 colors in our app library, including leading paint brands like Benjamin Moore, Sherwin Williams, Behr, and more! Best in-class accuracy Swatchbooks and smartphone camera apps are greatly affected by ambient light and shadows. The Nix Pro's patented design blocks out all ambient light, allowing built-in LEDs to provide maximum accuracy in all conditions. Each Nix Pro order contains 1x Nix Pro Color Sensor Hardware 1x Micro USB Charging Cable 1x Microfiber Carrying Pouch Free lifetime access to the Nix Android and iOS apps. Compatibility Compatible with iPhone 4S and above, iPad 3rd Generation and above, and iPad Mini. Compatible with Android devices with BLE 4.0, and operating system 4.3 and above.
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This Gadget Pulls Color From Anything! ─ Unbox Therapy

We go hands-on with the DJI Mavic, a foldable drone that's half the size and weight of the Phantom 4 quadcopter. We take it for a test flight, check out its 4K video quality, and chat with DJI about its unique features, including a new computer vision tracking system and wi-fi transmitter control. Here's our hopes and fears for this new category of compact quads.
Shot by Joey Fameli and edited by Norman Chan
Music by Jinglepunks
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Tested is:
Adam Savage http://www.twitter.com/donttrythis
Norman Chan http://www.twitter.com/nchan
Simone Giertz http://www.twitter.com/simonegiertz
Joey Fameli http://www.twitter.com/joeyfameli
Adam Isaak http://www.instagram.com/adamisaak
Kishore Hari http://www.twitter.com/sciencequiche
Patrick Norton http://www.twitter.com/patricknorton
Frank Ippolito http://www.twitter.com/frankippolito
Sean Charlesworth http://www.twitter.com/cworthdynamics
Jeremy Williams http://www.twitter.com/jerware
Thanks for watching!
Hands-On with DJI Mavic Foldable Quadcopter Drone! ─ Tested

The iPhone 7 has been put through a bunch of water tests since it was released, but of course GizmoSlip does things a little differently! We water skipped the iPhone 7 over 30 times in a murky, muddy pond to see how well it would hold up. The results were interesting and a little surprising! See you on Saturday for a new video!
Original: Don't Water Skip an iPhone 6s Plus! https://youtu.be/TFep2YXa_2s?list=PLD...
Can Donald Trump's Hair Protect iPhone 6s from Extreme 50ft Drop?https://youtu.be/Tf1qfXAKTzU?list=PLD...
Thanks to Darren for filming the slow motion footage. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/beyondslowmotion
Ultimate iPhone 7 Water Proof Test! Water Skipping the iPhone 7! ─ GizmoSlip

My video on Sesame Studios: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTjAi...
The Curiosity Box by Vsauce: https://www.curiositybox.com/
My twitter: https://twitter.com/tweetsauce
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/electricpants
Moon Museum:
E.A.T. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experim...
Brouwer’s fixed point theorem:
Excellent interactive wolfram demo of Brouwer: http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/Bro...
fixed points more generally:
9s: http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/v...
Babylonian method:
Iterated equation solver you can use to run the Babylonian method: http://www.wolframalpha.com/widgets/v...
aleph fixed point:
My video on counting past infinity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrU9Y...
map projections:
antipodes: http://geographer-at-large.blogspot.c...
Pacific antipode image: http://i.imgur.com/dyJQ3EW.jpg
“four” is the cosmic number: http://theweeklyriddle.blogspot.com/2...
“Idempotent”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idempot...
protocol_7’s comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/math/comment...
Other topology pages:
wiki images:
music from
and http://www.audionetwork.com
Any VFX that actually look cool are by https://www.youtube.com/c/ericlanglay -- I did the rest the best I could :)
Fixed Points ─ Vsauce

Thanks to Ubiquiti for sponsoring this video. Check them out at the links below!!
Ubiquiti UniFi: http://bit.ly/2djB4P4
UniFi Security Gateway Pro on Amazon: http://geni.us/PdWc8r
UniFi Switch 8 on Amazon: http://geni.us/Bx5mNe
UniFi Cloud Key on Amazon: http://geni.us/0YSfD
Ubiquiti Access Point on Amazon: http://geni.us/j7jm
Ubiquiti Edgerouter Lite on Amazon: http://geni.us/qpKo
Ubiquiti POE Switch on Amazon: http://geni.us/vTe4jp
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Intro Screen Music Credit:
Title: Laszlo - Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxm...
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sup...
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic
Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High http://www.youtube.com/approachingnir...
Sound effects provided by http://www.freesfx.co.uk/sfx/
Pimp My WiFi Ep. 2 - SICK home business tech upgrade! ─ LinusTechTips

DJI Mavic Pro (http://digit.re/djimavic) is changing the whole game.
[Playlist]: http://bit.ly/HandsON16
[Subscribe]: http://bit.ly/DRTVSub
ABOUT IMAGE QUALITY: We'd like to make a correction regarding a mistake about sensor size difference at 9:01. The Mavic has the same sensor size as the Phantom 4. The image quality of the Mavic Pro is impressive, but zooming into 100% crop shows a slight difference in term of image quality, with the Phantom 4 being slightly sharper.
Warren and Lok took the DJI Mavic for a spin. The Mavic has everything the Phantom 4 has, with image quality almost as good as the Phantom 4, for a fraction of the price and most important a fraction of the size. DJI has taken such a giant step forward, we reckon it's going to change the game.
Pricing reference:
$749 without RC (control with smartphone)
$999 with RC
Read more about the DJI Mavic Pro on DigitalRev:
Main Features:
Extremely Portable
Gimbal-Stabilized 12MP / 4K Camera
OcuSync Transmission Technology
Up to 4.3 Mile Control Range
Up to 27 Minutes Flight Time
GPS- & Vision Position-Based Navigation
FlightAutonomy with Obstacle Detection
DJI GO App-Based Control and Monitoring
Top Speed of 40 mph in Sport Mode
ActiveTrack Subject Tracking Modes
Tap- and Gesture-Based Commands
Previous video: Nikon D3400 Hands-on First Impression
Next video: Something brilliant!
Related Videos:
DJI Phantom 4 Hands-on
DJI Osmo Hands-on
DJI X5R Zenmuse
DJI Phantom 3 Standard Hands-on
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Decription: Water strider
Author: Praveenp
CC BY-SA 3.0
DJI Mavic Pro Hands-on ─ DigitalRev TV

Get This App Before It’s Banned Everyone! Hella iPhone 7 Plus app sketchy - http://bit.ly/2d7xNFK
Watch : Get This App Before It’s Banned - https://youtu.be/vOKoxQRkrew?list=PLP...
►►Get Subscribed ►► http://bit.ly/1XW29LB
Download - http://bit.ly/2d7xNFK
So there’s a lot of weirdest apps of all time for the iPhone 7…and some of them are so strange they get banned. iPhone apps legit get banned if they don’t follow the rules. Well, one slipped through the cracks haha and I happened to find it. It’s actually pretty cool and useful so download this for your Apple iPhone 7 Plus asap so you got it in case they remove it.
Watch more Weird Tech videos!
Why Did Pepsi Make a Phone? - https://youtu.be/K5wyboCZ0vg?list=PLP...
Weird Tech for $5 - https://youtu.be/rDdntPlsIb4?list=PLP...
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Hey I’m Keaton from TechSmartt and I make videos on the coolest tech ever! I post videos at 3PM PST every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday….and sometimes BONUS VIDEOS!!
On here you’ll get LOTS of fun videos on the new iPhone 7, weird keyboards, weird tech and so much more! I also do CRAZY challenges that you guys tell me to do! Subscribe so you don’t miss it! :)
secret comment - mad sketch bro [extra secret - follow my Twitter @keaton and say 'got the good stuff']