5 Weird WALGREENS Gadgets ─ TechSmartt

You guys voted to try out Walgreens/CVS/Rite-Aid gadgets…it’s weird shopping time!
5 Weird Walmart Gadgets ➡ https://youtu.be/gvhJsktMo5w?list=PLP...
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Welcome to Weird Shopping where I go into your favorite stores to find weird and cool gadgets! This episode I head into Walgreens to see what products and items they have!

It’s crazy that a convenience store like Walgreens, CVS, or even Rite-Aid actually has cool gadgets to check out! We got tons of stuff from a new helicopter R/C drone to an As Seen on TV emoji vacuum cleaner!

MSA 30x Sound Headset - http://bit.ly/2xxBsHL
Emoji Vacuum Cleaner - http://amzn.to/2xT7dtP
RCA Antenna - http://amzn.to/2xT7nkV
Laser Magic - http://bit.ly/2xbc8mz
Helicopter Drone - http://amzn.to/2fFxhyY
Tabletop Air Hockey - http://bit.ly/2xymG3E (BEST THING ON THIS LIST)


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Hey what’s up guys, Keaton Keller here! I post videos Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat at 3PM PST. On here you’ll get LOTS of fun videos on the new iPhone 8, DON’T DO IT to gadgets, weird shopping, tech hacks, and so much more! Subscribe so you don’t miss it!

comment what store you want me to try out next if you see this :)

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